Would You Like to Discover The Fastest Way

to Find and Heal the Root Causes of why you're using food as a way of coping in your life.  

For Free?


Dear Friend,

This is a special invitation for every woman who has been struggling to lose weight for as long as she remembers and nothing she's tried has worked long term. She can't figure out how to manage the stress and anxiety that is ruling her life and she knows deep down there has to be a solution.

I’m Caroline, I'm an RTT therapist, certified life coach and Embodied Processing therapist. I've helped many women come to terms with recurring stress and its impact on their health, weight and wellness.                                   

I'm here to tell you the TRUTH that will help you on your path to losing weight for the very last time.

The biggest problem you face right now is most likely the perpetual cycle of stress and anxiety which is impacting your overall health.

But what's worse is the constant thoughts about what and when to eat and how it's going to affect your body, further fuels your stress and overeating.

This means your weight and what you're eating doesn’t give you a moments rest.

And what’s really hard too, is that most women who want to lose weight struggle to get past the idea that diets, pills, supplements and exercise regimes are the only path to weight loss.

But luckily for you, there's a better, faster and more lasting solution.

But before we get into that, let me share a quick story with you...

I was a busy working mum trying to deal with my career and being a new mother but I had constant stress and high anxiety.

The big problem was that everything around me was in charge of how I felt, all the time.

That meant I was always obsessing about food, my body, what was happening in the world and what other people were doing to me, which compromised my health and relationships.

I had chronic gut issues and was diagnosed with IBS. But I was rapidly losing weight as my anxiety grew.

Then, something amazing happened...

I uncovered the power of the mind over my gut and body. I was able to manage my anxiety by connecting with how I was feeling and my body, my IBS disappeared and I started understanding my hunger and what to put in my body.

It became crystal clear to me that when I connected my mind and my body they started working as a team.

It was so powerful that I studied it and am now work with women who want to lose weight and live their life free of the constant head noise about food and how they look.

As I learned more I found a fast track way of getting to the cause of the weight and eating using hypnotherapy and Embodied Processing.             

I developed my current program around these philosophies 

And I was struck by how many of these women were dealing with the kind of anxiety I had been dealing with for many years, that had led to my IBS.

And when I applied my combined approach of RTT with life coaching it was magic.

We could get to the root cause of anxiety faster than ever before and create real and lasting change, even after just one session.

After that, I wanted to help more women who, like me had suffered with IBS.

I knew that if I could use my Gut-Brain Reset Method to find the root cause and re-wire the brain, then I could help many women overcome their symptoms and heal from IBS too, just like I had.

Bottom line: In the end I was able to help women release anxiety, start healing the gut and get relief from IBS symptoms.

I've called it The Gut-Brain Reset Method.

With this, I can quickly establish a path to freedom from IBS for high-achieving women who are prone to perfectionism.

And that's why I'm so excited to share this with you so you can get these types of results too!

So here's what I've got for you today...

If you're a woman with IBS who really needs to come to terms with your anxiety, but can't figure out how to take back control of your mind, here's the solution you've been looking for...

Introducing... The Emotional Eating Reset Call

This Free Session With Me Helps You:

* Gain control over your thoughts when it comes to food and your body...

* Find a path to freedom from food...                 

* Overcome your anxiety...

* Get back to really living...

... and much, MUCH more!

And best of all, if you decide that you want me to help you to go deeper, you'll start seeing results after one or two sessions.

So, if you're a woman who gets things done and who wants to overcome the pain, stress and anxiety of trying to lose weight, understand this:

* Dieting and exercise regimes are not the solution and often make you feel much worse...

* Managing your mind is the key to creating the control you're longing for when it comes to what you're eating and your body...

* The stress you're under is blocking your body's intuition..

Book your Free Emotional Eating Reset Call now:

Press the button below and select a time that works best for us both.

After you confirm your details, you’ll get a confirmation email with the zoom link and we’ll meet at that time on video to uncover what needs to shift to start building a very different reality than you have been experiencing up to now.

This session gives you the roadmap to letting go of the stressors in your life so you can finally take control of your body and what you're eating and start to enjoy life again.

My approach identifies the root causes of the stress responses in your body and is the key to  finally feel at peace with food and your body.

In our no-charge session, it’s a chance for you to explore if this approach is something that could work for you.

Because I like to give you my full attention, space is limited, so please click the link and confirm your time and I’ll see you on the call.

With so much love,
