Beyond Dieting


Partnering with your brain and body to let go of emotional eating for good.

Somatic Identity and dieting and their Impact on Weight Loss body work embodied processing

When asked about our lives, we often describe our roles and responsibilities, such as being a parent, a professional, or a caregiver. While these are significant aspects, they don't capture the essence of our lived experiences. Our lives are deeply felt in our bodies, through sensations,...

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How to master your cravings brain power

If you've ever tried to lose weight by sheer willpower, you know it eventually blows up.  

Clenching your fists, gritting your teeth and diversionary tactics (like having no food in your house) won’t work and change can only happen when you know what's going on.

You see,...

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Your feelings are the key to losing weight for good emotions

Are you struggling to shed those extra kilos, no matter what you try?

Feel like you've hit a brick wall?

Let me tell you what might be holding you back...

From a young age, we're bombarded with messages telling us to suppress our emotions.

"Don't cry in public."

"Don't be angry."


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The Three Relationships that really count relationships

Whenever you set any goal in your life, your relationship with you will determine its success.

Most of us never really consider this.

You are essentially linked by 3 parts of you: Your past, your present and your future.

Your past self is what set you up today. Your results today are because...

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How to let go of emotional eating for good.

Growing up, we were taught that emotions were risky.
"Don't cry," we were told. "Be quiet, don't be a baby," as if feeling was somehow wrong.
These messages, handed down through generations, told us to hide our feelings, fearing what people would think.
"Don't cry in public," we’d be...

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Freedom from emotional're right on track brain power

Have you ever felt like you've hit a dead end in your weight loss journey? Despite trying everything, it seems like nothing works. But what if I told you there's a different path—one that leads to lasting peace and freedom around food?

Emotional eating and carrying extra weight are signals...

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How perfectionist thinking may be causing you grief...

Feeling overwhelmed by trying to be perfect in everything, including what you eat or just getting through your day?
You may have a bit of perfectionist thinking- always striving for 100%.
If you’ve got this trait, it doesn’t mean you’re perfect, it means you think you should be...

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Stop listening to others, you have everything you need to lose weight already...

There's this crazy idea of the "perfect body" and "perfect health" that's constantly bombarding us on social media.

Everywhere you turn, there's this unattainable bar of optimum life and health. Dictating what to eat, what pills to take, what exercises to do and how you should look if you want to...

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One little word could be making it even harder to lose weight..

Did you know that the words we use can shape how we feel and even affect our bodies? It's true! Our brain and body talk to each other through language, and the words we choose can have a big impact.

Think about it: when we say "my weight" or "my fat," we're telling our brain that...

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Together we'll fast track weight loss for good..

Let's face it: the diet industry has it all wrong.

Losing weight isn't just about what you're eating or not eating—it's about understanding the incredible connection between your brain and your body.

To break free from diets once and for all, you need to dive deep...

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The Power of Your Mind for peace and freedom around food body work brain power

I'm excited to share my unique body- brain approach.

Together, we harness the amazing potential of your mind to uncover and address the root cause of emotional eating.

No more relying on restrictive diets or pills that only provide temporary relief.

We're focused on achieving lasting, holistic...

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Rapid Transformational Therapy and Somatic work for weight loss. rtt

Emotional eating and weight issues have become all too common among women today.

I'm excited to share a couple of game-changing therapies I've incorporated into my work.

Hypnotherapy and somatic work are so effective in treating weight or eating issues. 

In our modern world...

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